Cover Those Greenhouses, Warns Hum Co Planning and Building Department


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Aug 07, 2023

Cover Those Greenhouses, Warns Hum Co Planning and Building Department

This photo was taken on the new moon in May 2016. It shows the cumulative skyglow of several lit-up greenhouses (on the other side of the ridge) reflecting off of cloud cover. [Photo by Kyle Keegan]

This photo was taken on the new moon in May 2016. It shows the cumulative skyglow of several lit-up greenhouses (on the other side of the ridge) reflecting off of cloud cover. [Photo by Kyle Keegan]

Dear Permit or Interim Permit Holder,

Since 2016 it has been a requirement of Humboldt County Code that cultivation using artificial lighting shield greenhouses such that light does not escape at a level that is visible from neighboring properties between sunset and sunrise. The Humboldt County Planning and Building Department continues to receive numerous complaints regarding light pollution emanating from commercial cannabis operations throughout the County and the failure of operators to properly shield greenhouses continues to be a frequent comment made at public meetings. Violations of these requirements by Humboldt County cannabis operators cannot continue to occur and we are asking for your assistance in this effort. We are seeking your help in addressing this persistent issue in a collaborative way. A similar letter was sent to all operators in April of 2022, and the County appreciates that many operators worked to ensure that their operations were compliant with these requirements.

This is a seasonal reminder that if using artificial lighting in your operation, you must ensure that all shielding is in place and is in good working order. Each operator must be diligent in covering lit greenhouses every night prior to sunset and not uncovering them until after dawn. We also strongly advise keeping a logbook of the specific time that greenhouses were covered and the employee who did so. This can be useful to demonstrate compliance when the County receives farm-specific complaints.

In remedy of a light complaint, Humboldt County Code requires that permit holders submit written verification to the Department that shielding, and alignment of lighting has been fixed within ten calendar days of receiving notification from the County that a complaint has been received. In the event you receive such a notification from the County, it is imperative that the issue be resolved, and written verification be provided to the County within the ten-calendar day period.

Those who do not respond to the Department’s complaint notification letter or fail to take timely corrective measures will compel the County to take additional action on that permit. Repeated violations may result in the County pursuing revocation of the permit.

Please note that this notice has been sent to all cannabis permit and interim permit holders in Humboldt County and IS NOT an assertion that your operation is in violation of County Code at this time. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact us at (707) 445-7541.


This photo was taken on the new moon in May 2016. It shows the cumulative skyglow of several lit-up greenhouses (on the other side of the ridge) reflecting off of cloud cover. [Photo by Kyle Keegan]Letter sent out from The Humboldt County Planning and Building Departmentall cannabis permit and interim permit holdersEarlier: